Geol 318 (Structural Geology) Outcomes Assessment
Course Outcomes | Course Objectives (SWBAT) |
1. Understand how two dimensional images (e.g. maps, photographs) can be conceptualized in 3 dimensions. |
1.1 Predict the geometry and location of structures at depth or in areas of poor outcrop 1.2 Construct a structurally viable cross section across a geologic map 1.3 Present and manipulate data using stereographic projection (stereonets) |
2. Understand the geometry of geological structures in deformed continental regions. |
2.1 Accurately describe in words and a sketch the structural elements in a hand sample or outcrop. 2.2 Describe the geometry of structures shown on a map. 2.3 Correctly measure, describe, and plot the orientation of a fold or fault on a map and stereonet |
3. Understand the relative timing of formation of structures and the kinematics of deformation |
3.1 Interpret the structural history of an area given a geologic map and cross section 3.2 Determine the orientation of shortening and extension that produced faults, folds, and fabrics in outcrop, hand sample, or photograph |
4. Gain a basic understanding of the material properties of rocks and the theory of their mechanical behavior under ductile and brittle conditions from natural and experimental data |
4.1 Distinguish between the concepts of stress and strain 4.2 Predict the geometry of structures in an extensional, compressional, or strike-slip regime 4.3 Distinguish between structures formed under brittle and ductile conditions 4.4 Describe the variables that lead to rock fracture and faulting |