Declaring Your Major or Minor

Declaration Requirements

Students may declare a geology major or minor if they are in good academic standing (2.0 or higher). There are no other requirements! For students who have never taken a college level geology course, we recommend completing Geology 101 or 211 before declaring. 

When to Declare

Students are encouraged to declare their geology major as early as possible! Students may declare the Geology, Geophysics, Earth Science major or Geology minor at any time of the year except during Phase I registration. By declaring the major, students will gain access to the department listserv and faculty advising.

How to Declare

Geology major and minor declarations are completed remotely with the Undergraduate Program Coordinator. 

During the meeting, students will review program requirements, faculty advising, department information, resources, and any questions they may have. Geophysics and Earth Science Education majors will review the program with the Geophysics and Earth Science Education faculty advisors respectively. Please note that major declaration meetings can take up to 30 minutes or longer. 

Please click on the program you are interested in below for detailed instructions on declaring your major or minor.

Note: The Geology Department does not declare new majors or minors during Phase I registration. 

Please select your program of interest.

To declare the Geology BA or B.S. major, please schedule a remote appointment with the Geology Undergraduate Program Coordinator here: 

Once you have selected a day and time, you will later receive an Outlook invitation from the Program Coordinator to your WWU email that contains a Zoom link for the meeting. During this time, you will complete major declaration paperwork, review departmental information and address any questions you may have about the major. 

See the B.S. Geology Program Requirements

See the BA Geology Program Requirements

Declaring a Geophysics Major 

Step 1. Schedule an advising appointment with one of our Geophysics Faculty Advisors via email.  

Step 2. Once you have met with a Geophysics faculty advisor, please schedule a remote appointment with the Geology Undergraduate Program coordinator to declare the Geophysics major: 

Once you have selected a day and time, you will later receive an Outlook invitation from the Program Coordinator to your WWU email that contains a Zoom link for the meeting. During this time, you will complete the major declaration form and review important departmental information. 

See the B.S. Geophysics program requirements.

Declaring a BAE Major

Step 1. Schedule an appointment with one of our Earth Science Education faculty advisors via email.

Step 2. Once you have met with an Earth Science Education faculty advisor, please schedule a remote appointment with the Geology Undergraduate Program Coordinator to declare the major:

Once you have selected a day and time, you will later receive an Outlook invitation from the Program Coordinator to your WWU email that contains a Zoom link for the meeting. During this time, you will complete the major declaration form and review important departmental information. 

See the Earth Science, Elementary BAE program requirements

See the Earth Science, Secondary BAE program requirements

See the Earth Science/General Science Secondary BAE program requirements

The minor in geology is designed for students who want some preparation in geology to accompany their major course of study. Students majoring in Biology, Environmental Studies, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Computer Science, Anthropology, Journalism, etc. may find that an understanding of Earth processes will be useful in a variety of careers. Thus students minoring in geology are allowed extensive flexibility for selecting courses that complement their goals. 

Please schedule a remote minor declaration appointment with the Geology Undergraduate Program Coordinator here:

Once you have selected a day and time, you will receive an Outlook invitation from the Program Coordinator to your WWU email that contains a Zoom link for the meeting. During this time, you will complete the minor declaration eform and review information about the minor.

See the Geology minor program requirements.