Colin Amos, PhD
He/Him/His, Professor
Educational & Professional Experience:
Ph.D. Geological Sciences – UC Santa Barbara (2007)
B.S. Geology – UC Davis (2002)
Areas of Expertise
Tectonic Geomorphology / Earthquake Geology / Structural Geology
Courses Taught
- Introductory Geology
- Structural Geology
- Tectonic Geomorphology
- Field Methods / Geologic Mapping
- Introduction to Graduate Research
Recent M.S. Students
Chantel Jensen (MS, 2021) Forearc erosion in response to megathrust plate coupling along the Wairarapa Coastline, New Zealand
Katherine Alexander (MS, 2020) Slip rates and kinematics of active crustal faults in the central Oregon Cascades
William "Cody" Duckworth, co-advised with Liz Schermer (MS, 2019) Slip and strain accumulation along the Sadie Creek fault, Olympic Peninsula, Washington
Gunnar Speth (MS, 2017) Testing the Time-Dependence of Slip on the Western Klamath Lake Fault Zone, Oregon
Benjamin Carlson, co-advised with Liz Schermer (MS, 2017) – Holocene Fault Reactivation and Landscape Evolution in the Eastern Cascades, WA
Jaime Delano (MS, 2016) – Comparing short and long-term deformation in the Wynoochee River valley, southern Olympic Mountains, WA
Adrian Bender (MS, 2015) – Differential uplift and incision of the Yakima River terraces
Elizabeth Haddon (MS, 2015) – Surface slip during large Owens Valley earthquakes