Robert Mitchell, PhD

He/Him/His, Professor

Educational & Professional Experience:

Ph.D. - Michigan Technological University (Environmental Engineering)

M.S. - University of Minnesota - Duluth (Physics)

M.S. - Michigan Technological University (Geophysics)       

B.S. - University of Wisconsin - River Falls (Earth Science)

Areas of Expertise

Hydrogeology, watershed hydrology, engineering geology, and numerical modeling

Courses Taught

  • Physical Geology
  • GIS in Geology
  • Environmental Geology
  • Engineering Geology
  • Surface Water Hydrology
  • Hydrogeology
  • Groundwater Contamination
  • Landslides and Slope Stability
  • Introduction to Graduate Research

M.S. Students

Visit my graduate student information page for information about my current research projects. 

Research Interests

My actionable science research program focuses on water-resource issues and climate-change resilience in the Puget Sound region including modeling the effects of projected climate change on mountain hydrology, stream temperatures, and hillslope processes. Outcomes of my research have been instrumental to government agencies and regional Indian Tribes in making management and policy decisions regarding water quantity and quality in Washington State.

Selected Awards & Honors:

Digges Distinguished Professor of Engineering Geology

Meritorious Service Award, Environmental & Engineering Division of the GSA

UMD Swenson College Academy of Science & Engineering Inductee

Arlan Norman Award for Excellence in Student Mentoring 

GAANN Ph.D. Fellow, 1991 - 1995, Environmental Engineering, Michigan Technological University 

Research Advising Category